I'm the kinda person who hates country music. I find it lame and noisy (no offense to country music fans), its just not my kind. Atleast it wasn't, until I watched Juno.
I was having a hard time categorizing Juno. It fits into so many categories, fun filled, semi-sarcastic, emotional, comedy - that list can stretch along an 8 mile road and back. That's when I realized that Juno wasn't a movie, it was an experience. The movie doesn't need to take you through the years of her past, and yet it gives you the most vivid description of her mindset, the way the world works around her, and how her actions influence others in small and 'not-so-small' ways.
Juno is a 16 year old school going kid. She is witty, blunt, sweet and simple. The portrayal of Juno as a character, couldn't have been more perfect. Like any other teenager, she has confusing emotions, which surface in the face of different situatioins. Like every other teenager, she thinks she knows exactly what to do, and assumes that everything she is doing is right, yet her steps falter when she comes face to face with one of the biggest blunders of her life, yet.
In the corners of the story, we find instances of family love and generation gaps, people in conflict with themselves, friendship and love, and relationships that we find impossible to explain many a time, yet, they exist.
The story is complemented with wonderfully placed soundtracks. I couldn't imagine a better selection of soundtracks for this movie, and they are all perfectly placed.
Soundtracks you shouldn't miss:
Superstar (Sonic Youth)
Loose Lips (Kimya Dawson)
Expectation (Belle & Sebastain)
The actors carry out their roles brilliantly. There isn't a single section or line of this movie, that I can critisize. This is a MUST WATCH. I will not leak out a single line of the plot, because its just too good too ruin.
Ellen Page (Juno) is placed opposite Micheal Cera from Superbad. He definitely has the best legs I've ever seen. They make the weirdest, yet cutest teenage couple I have ever seen. You wouldn't wanna miss Jennifer Garner either, perfect display of emotions onscreen.
I love this movieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I adore this film, you're absolutely correct in saying that it's a saga of teenage experience which touches nearly all the characters around her.
I love her wit, it's so beautifully written.
I adore this film, you're absolutely correct in saying that it's a saga of teenage experience which touches nearly all the characters around her.
I love her wit, it's so beautifully written.
Totally agree
If asked a review I would told similair things cool !!!
Totally agree
If asked a review I would told similair things cool !!!
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